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Weight Loss

Beachcare Urgent & Family Medical Center

Family Medicine Clinic & Urgent Care located in Morehead City, NC

Around 40% of American adults are clinically obese, increasing their risk of serious health conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure. Beachcare Urgent & Family Medical Center in Morehead City, North Carolina, offers customized weight loss programs and counseling services to help you achieve and maintain a healthy body weight. If you need help losing weight, call Beachcare Urgent & Family Medical Center, make an appointment online, or come into the office today.

Weight Loss Q&A

What are the health benefits of maintaining a healthy weight?

Your weight doesn’t just affect the way your jeans fit — it’s a significant factor in many health conditions. Being obese or overweight increases your risk of many health problems, including:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Heart disease
  • Sleep apnea
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Kidney disease

It can also interfere with your fertility and cause pregnancy complications. Being overweight also increases your chances of developing joint pain, back pain, and neck pain.

What’s included in a medical weight loss program?

At Beachcare Urgent & Family Medical Center, the certified medical weight management specialists offer customized weight loss counseling and programs. Your program begins with a comprehensive physical exam and testing, so your provider understands your overall health and your risk for obesity-related diseases. 

Then, depending on your needs, they work with you to implement a weight loss program. Your program might include traditional weight loss options, such as meal planning, physical activity, and medication. You might also benefit from counseling to explore any underlying issues that contribute to lifestyle factors that prevent you from losing weight. The team also offers counseling for bariatric surgeries. 

You have frequent appointments during your weight loss program so your provider can monitor your progress and adjust your plan as needed. These meetings help keep you motivated and ensure that you get the specific treatments and support you need to reach your goals. 

What is the Verjú® laser system?

If you’ve changed your diet and increased your physical activity and are losing weight, a stubborn pocket of fat can be frustrating. While spot-training is a myth, Beachcare Urgent & Family Medical Center offers laser body sculpting treatments with the FDA-approved Verjú laser system. 

The Verjú laser system targets fat deposits on your waist, belly, hips, and thighs, with carefully calibrated laser energy. The treatments can reduce your measurements as well as the appearance of cellulite, leaving you with the slim, toned body you’ve been working so hard to achieve. 

If you’re concerned about your weight or have struggled to lose weight on your own, call Beachcare Urgent & Family Medical Center, schedule an appointment online, or come into the office today for personalized weight loss support.